Friday, February 27, 2009

The Pioneers

You really do learn so much from your kids! My daughter had a history test this week on the Pioneers that came to Canada in the late 1700's. Because she is in the third grade, it was broken down into interesting facts and details for the eight year olds to remember and find interesting. I thought, 'yea, just perfect for the blog...short and sweet!'

So, here is the jist of how the 'whites and blacks' came to Canada.

The Aboriginal, or the first people who were on Canadian soil are called the First Nations, Inuit or Métis. In a census taken in 2006, there were over 1,172,790 aboriginals in Canada, about 3. 8% of the population.

Although the word 'Indian' remains in place as the legal term used in the Canadian Constitution, its usage can be considered offensive. The confusion is traced to the European explorer Christopher Columbus who was thoroughly convinced that he had discovered a new route to India when he had spotted the Aboriginals.

So if you grew up reading books about the,' Red Indians', remember using that phrase here in North America now is thought to be a highly offensive, as well as referring to a black person as a 'negro'.

More about the pioneers:

The British came to Canada from all the way across the Atlantic because land was cheaper and they wanted a new way of life. When the United States got independence from Britain, the group of people who were loyal to Great Britain and the Queen, moved to Canada by wagon or on foot. (As Canada was still under Great Britain) This group was called the 'Loyalists'. So technically the first 'white' people in Canada were the British and the second group were the Loyalists. They settled in the Niagara region.

When many of the Loyalists moved from the United States, they took their African slaves with them. Soon after they moved, the slaves were set free. Also, many slaves escaped from the United States on foot and by the underground railroads to Canada for their freedom. So this is how African Americans settled in Canada. The third group of pioneers. They settled in Niagara and Kingston.

The fourth group were the Europeans who came across the Atlantic on ships and crossed into Canada by the St.Lawrence River. They came mainly to practice their religion and again, for a new way of life. Most of these pioneers were the French, therefore the large French speaking population here.

That is the history of the original pioneers to Canada in a nutshell. Will try to get some relevant pictures and put those up soon.


Al said...

Hi Nal

I know this is Grade 3 Canadian History, but it's not as clear as it should be. Here is my simple summary.

The entire continent was inhabited when the Europeans arrived. They brought with them diseases that caused massive and deadly epidemics among the native people leaving the land uninhabited and open for immigration and settlement.

The first European settlements in Canada were short-term visits by Vikings on the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador. They came to fish the Grand Banks.

Centuries later the French came down the St Lawrence and settled most of what is now known as Quebec and the Maritime provinces.

The British followed closely but came in through Hudson's Bay rather than the St. Lawrence.

Both the French and the English ran massive fur trading empires based on beaver pelts which were popular Europe for making fur hats.

British and French fought many battles. The final outcome was a slight win by the British.

There are still some islands of the coast of Canada that are run directly by France.

Next lesson is Grade 4, Canada vs America.

Anonymous said...

so what are the reds and blacks called there akka?