Here is some advice on what to buy in the next month or so before Winter starts. Waiting till the last minute can mean getting stuck with left over stock and not getting the right size. Ask the store clerks to help you out. Once they know that you are new, they will give you all the relevant advice and help you need in putting together your first Winter outfit.
Stores like Zellers and Walmart are great for the budget conscious, and for those who are looking for more upmarket brands try Sears and The Bay. You also have stores like Winners, Old Navy, Suzy Shier, Le Chateau and Fairweather. The Childrens Place and Siblings are great for kids.
Invest in a good coat and pair of boots. This can mean the difference between being comfortable in Winter ...and getting seriously sick!!
Here is a cute image from the International Students Ambassadors blog about dressing up in layers.

Probably the one question I get most often this time of the year from new immigrants and visitors coming to Canada in the near future is....what kind of clothing should they buy for Winter?
First of all, check the weather history of the place in Canada that you are visiting. Up North you will have weather extremes that you won't have further South. With temperatures going down sometimes to -30 and -40 (in Ontario) with wind chills added to it....you are talking mighty COLD temperatures.
The first time those - 20 winds hit you, it takes you by surprise. I never knew that 'cold' could really hurt. Wearing the wrong boots to pick up my daughter one day, I came back home with nearly frozen feet and I had to stand over our heating vent for twenty minutes or so, until my feet stopped hurting!
To start out with:
1. Get some thermal underwear (men, women and kids), leggings / stockings (women and girls) and long socks.
2. Wear the thermals or long underwear under your pants or jeans. Wear the long socks and overlap the bottom of your thermals. On top, you can wear thermals, a tank top, sleeve less vest or sleeved vest under your t-shirt or shirt.
3. Wear a sweater over your shirt, or a sweat shirt. Then when going out, wear a heavy coat that is padded enough to keep the wind from hitting you.
4. Don't forget....you also need a good pair of boots, gloves, scarf and or muffler, winter hat and even ear muffs.
5. Put chap stick on your lips and moisturize your skin. Dry skin is very common in Winter and you'll end up with cracked lips and itchy skin if you are not careful.
The colder it is..the more layers you need. Once you get to where you are going, you can remove the layers depending on how cold it is. It is better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. Don't take a risk, especially with children.
Once Winter gets on its way and you go through a couple of weeks..you will start to notice how other dress up and put outfits together. You will see amazing styles and fashions in and around Canada. Putting together fashionable Winter outfits can be fun!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments to add to this post!
1 comment:
Thanks Nali Didi.. BTW is it advisable to get the winter clothes from India or it is more reasonable in Canada..
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