Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bringing up Immigrant children in a North American World

Thanks to everyone who have been so kind in emailing about all the help this blog has been to them. I would love to hear about your stories too, especially if you are new to Canada and can tell us your experience in moving here.

As a teacher, psychologist and mother of two children, I have always been interested in the lives of families and how parents and teachers impact the lives of their children. Especially parents.

Many of you have written to me, asking about my children (now age 16 and 13) how they are coping with the pressures of living in Canada. Honestly, if you are open with your children and talk about things in your home as honestly as possible, you can avoid a lot of the issues that tend to crop up out of ignorance or defiance.

It also goes a long way in knowing that, you cannot come here and expect to live a different culture in Canada and not allow your children to integrate and live as a Canadian. That is not fair to them. By 'Canadian' I don't mean what many of you may think...drugs, drinking and dating. No. All these things are there all over the world and not just here. I know..because every time I visit India, I think there are more kids out late and partying, then I've seen here in Canada.

I'm writing about this today because I just heard of a young girl from a South Asian family run away from home because her parents would not allow her to have friends over at the house, or for her to visit friends at their homes. This is the first step in you saying you don't trust your child or her friends. By allowing friends to come over, you get to meet them, hear what they say to each other and learn for yourself a little more about their lives.

When you move to Canada...open up your mind and heart...read about how to handle children and teenagers with love and understanding. Learn how to integrate into the culture here. Learn about Canadian sports, make Canadian friends and make the best of life here.

Many immigrants feel that Canadians are not very open to them...but you know what? Maybe you have to make the first step. Go say Hi. They may be afraid that you don't speak English, or have other fears just like you do. Take this new adventure to be a positive one, not only for you but for your family.

Will write more about this topic soon. Let me know what you think?

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