The Globe and Mail has declared the month of May - 'The Immigrant Answer' and will be writing relevant articles on anything to do with immigration and immigrants who have landed in Canada and what life is like. Hopefully by the end of the month, lots of eyes will be opened on the hardships immigrants initially face and what can be done about easing a new immigrant into living and working in Canada.
Please check this link:
Very insightful and will give you an idea of what is reality here in Canada.
The Globe and Mail has declared the month of May - 'The Immigrant Answer' and will be writing relevant articles on anything to do with immigration and immigrants who have landed in Canada and what life is like. Hopefully by the end of the month, lots of eyes will be opened on the hardships immigrants initially face and what can be done about easing a new immigrant into living and working in Canada.
Please check this link:
Very insightful and will give you an idea of what is reality here in Canada.