When you live in Canada, you will be buying your milk in these kinds of packs.

Inside the big pack, are three little plastic packets.

Once you place the packet in the jug, snip a corner of the plastic off. These jugs are available at most supermarkets and dollar stores. Almost every single home in Canada has one of these!!

The milk is all set to be used for your tea or coffee, or to give to the kids. You don't have to boil the milk like we do in India.
Milk packs in a supermarket cooler.
If you notice, the blue packets have one percent written on them, the pink ones have two percent and it goes up to 4 percent and skim milk.
Whole milk has 4% fat content, which is what the percentage indicates. Babies two and below need the 4% milk as they need that amount of fat. But children age two and up, should use the 2% (at times you can get 3.5 %) or 1%, and for those who don't want any fat use the skim milk which by law is supposed to have .5% fat.
They also have buttermilk, fat free milk, soya milk, full cream, low fat, organic milk and milk that is light and made just for coffee or tea. The common brands are Dairyland, Neilson and Parmalat.
Prices range from $3.60 to $4.25 or so, depending on the store and if they happen to be selling milk on sale or not.
All this talk about milk....and I think I left mine out on the counter.....better go put it in the fridge!
catch you later,